now updating the /etc/hosts on the by adding the ip address searcher.htb allows browser opening
nmap results
running a gobuster returns /search
on the bottom of the website listed as : made with flask and searcher 2.4.0 searching the searcher 2.4.0 gives github pages related to the exploit regarding searcher 2.4.0 running the exploit returns shell
and just stabilised the shel python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' export TERM=xterm control +z stty raw -echo && fg
cd'ed to ~ cat user.txt and returned me the user flag
privilege escalation
ss -ltnp for running process got the json base64 decoded file
{"name":"Gitea: Git with a cup of tea","short_name":"Gitea: Git with a cup of tea","start_url":"http://gitea.searcher.htb/","icons":[{"src":"http://gitea.searcher.htb/assets/img/logo.png","type":"image/png","sizes":"512x512"},{"src":"http://gitea.searcher.htb/assets/img/logo.svg","type":"image/svg+xml","sizes":"512x512"}]}